The Flagler Museum Wedding Photography in Palm Beach, FL
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Chase & Heather
I’ve never liked Florida. Ever. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m a New Yorker or because of all the Florida man memes, but it’s never been my thing. But the idea of leaving New York for the beach while it’s starting to get cold-- that was an idea I could get behind. I’d never been to West Palm Beach and I try to keep an open mind. Heather, Capa, and I arrived around midnight and woke up to torrential rain the next morning. It was the kind of rain that makes you eat at the hotel rather than try out some local digs. Lucky for us I found a french bakery around the corner that I could sprint to and bring in some of the best baguettes we’ve ever had. We were off to a very good start.
Heather met Heather (the bride) when they were really young. They grew up riding horses together and Heather’s fiance, Chase, actually used to ride with them too. Capa and I are still learning to be comfortable around horses but it’s always a joy to see Heather talk about something she loves very deeply. Heather and Heather used to come down to West Palm for competitions so Heather knew that I was going to like West Palm. I still wasn’t so sure.
Heather and Chase hosted a welcome dinner at a local staple, E.R Bradleys, and after the party ended, the staff began clearing the tables and setting up a mechanical bull. We all had the same idea--I hope Heather and Chase ride the bull--but we also knew that maybe it wasn’t the best idea the night before their wedding. Well there’s a first time for everything, and sure enough, Heather and Chase were the first to hop on. They each showed off their strong legs and held on with muscles that probably don’t exist on my body. They went from riding bulls one day to getting married the next and their wedding weekend was officially in full swing.
Heather and Chase hosted their wedding at The Flagler Museum on Palm Beach Island and despite gusting winds the rain held off for most of the day. The grounds were absolutely stunning and the museum was immaculate. It felt like I was back at the Metropolitan Museum of Art or the Museum of Natural History in New York City. Between the rowdiness of the night before and the class of the Flagler, Florida and Palm Beach were really starting to grow on me. The greenhouse where Heather and Chase held their reception was something out of The Great Gatsby or a movie. String lights in an open space with windows all around and the lights of the city in the distance. I can’t believe I’m saying take me back when speaking about Florida but I have to give credit where credit’s due.
Our final day in Palm Beach we spent most of it floating in a rooftop pool. I waded with Capa in the water, pretending like he was riding a dolphin in the Caribbean and he loved it. The Florida sun finally came out and it made it really hard to want to go back to 40-degree New York weather. I thought back to all of the times that I heard people complain about how cold it was when it was still 50 degrees outside but the first time I understood. Maybe Florida isn’t so bad after all.