Providence Engagement Photos in Rhode Island

Liz and Nick's Providence Engagement Photos in Providence Rhode Island | Apollo Fields | Providence Wedding Photography

Most of the time I’ve spent in Rhode Island has been in a car on I-195 on my way to Cape Cod, Massachusetts for my family’s summer vacation. My focus would mainly be on a Gameboy screen or a MadLibs page so all I really remember were some industrial and commercial buildings lining the highway in my peripherals. I had never heard of Roger Williams and only learned of Brown University and RISD when I was a senior in high school. Getting to know a little about the city as we met up with Nick and Liz for their engagement session in Providence reminded me how much I love exploring and meeting new people.

Heather and Liz met when they both attended Ethel Walkers, a private school for young adults with a reputable equestrian program. As we finished breakfast on an outdoor patio, they regaled us with stories of their different approaches to riding the friendly beasts. Heather has always been the kind of girl to ride the crazy horse (not sure what this means for me as her partner) while Liz preferred what people in the industry call a “husband horse,” or a horse whose temperament is even-keeled and predictable. The more riders I meet the more I am fascinated by their relationship with their horses and how it informs their relationship to the world. 


Liz and Heather both come from a school of toughness, but Liz eventually turned this personality trait into a career. As a professional self-defense instructor, Liz enables people with the skills to protect themselves in dire circumstances. “I like to hit people,” she admitted playfully, adding that martial arts training can also be very cathartic. The self-defense industry has been as impacted as any other industry during the pandemic, but she’s picking up private training sessions wherever she can.

Liz and Nick met through a friend-of-a-friend at an Irish pub hosting an Irish Funeral, which I had never heard of outside of shows like The Wire. Rather than mourn someone’s death in sorrow and solemnity, the Irish choose to celebrate the joyous side of life by sharing their favorite stories of the departed. I think that the process of mourning can be much healthier this way. By the end of the celebration, Nick and Liz exchanged numbers and so began their relationship.


We proceeded to follow Nick and Liz up 15 minutes north up the Blackwater River to their riverside apartment complex. With high ceilings and tons of exposed brick, their living space was comfortable and modern. We walked down to the park along the river, stopping on a bike path to snap a few shots of them as they folded into each other’s arms. Heather couldn’t resist kicking off her shoes and walking into the middle of the river as Liz and Nick balanced on some slippery rocks for a beautiful golden hour shot.

These engagement sessions constantly prove invaluable to us. Not only do we get to begin to celebrate the love of couples like Liz and Nick, they also give us an opportunity to connect and enjoy each other’s company--whether old friends, or new.


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New York Times Wedding Photography by Apollo Fields