Huie, Party of Four!

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It’s official!

Heather is pregnant with our second child due November 2022! 

The baby and Capa will be just under two years apart. We are so happy to have them so close in age!

It makes me think of all the times that my little brother, Matt, and I spent playing whiffle ball in the backyard. 

The nights we spent laying awake in our beds, chatting about nothing, while playing Pokemon on our Gameboys after lights out. There is such a special bond between siblings, one that I’ve grown to embrace with each of my other four over the last few years. The bond has something to do with similar circumstances on how we were raised: we went to the same schools, knew the same families, ate the same meals, and followed the same rules. Despite becoming very different people in our adult lives, we had the same base line of who we were when we were kids. So when I think of the relationship that Capa will have with his little sibling–I can’t help but get very, very excited.

At the same time I can’t shake the most likely common feeling of a parent expecting their second child–how am I going to love you as much as I love the first?

There is such a romantic unknown to doing anything for the first time–and that’s especially true when raising your first child in those first 12-18 months. For me the emotion came in little moments like in the middle of the night, when I was beyond exhausted, and attempting to rock Capa back to sleep. I’d look down at his wrinkly, pudgy face, eyes closing and opening in gentle flutters, when a realization of amazement would wash over me. You are my son. Your mother and I brought you into this world. And the fatigue would give way to a deep, deep appreciation.

And of course I will have that for our second child; but my experience as  a middle child who got lost in the mix has me on high alert.

All the times I wished my dad was outside with me, helping me with my jump shot in those last minutes of daylight. Or when I was left to fend for myself when it came to self-confidence, dating, and getting started on a career track. I’ve learned to appreciate that there is an intrinsic value to finding your own way, but I want to make sure that I love and care for Capa’s little sibling as much as I care for him.

This announcement is as much a celebration as it is a reminder to hold myself accountable. To give the love and care that I shower Capa with, the love and care that I wish I had, to the eventual 4th member of our family.

I love you already, bud.

– Terrence


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