Grayfields Farm Wedding in New Jersey

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Gray + Laura

I’ve always told people who don’t believe in ghosts that I’d pay for them to stay in a legit haunted house or hotel room. It’s not that I think that it’s actually dangerous but more that it will scare them in the same way I used to be scared of the monsters under my bed (that is, unless I leapt from the bed, in which case, they couldn’t reach me). Now I haven’t had a paranormal experience in a long time—but the photo that Heather took of Laura and Gray at their farm wedding in New Jersey this past weekend—that was the good kind of paranormal. The kind of feeling you get when someone you lost is there with you, watching over you.

Lens Flare? Don’t Care

During Laura and Gray’s golden hour session, they decided to stop by the pine tree that they planted for Gray’s late father, Chris. As they settled into a few poses, Heather kept noticing a flare following Gray around wherever he went. At first she thought it was a lens flare but the way it moved and the way it appeared she ruled that out. Then, as they went to the next spot, Laura and Gray’s favorite tree on their property on the other side of the house, the same flare appeared. Whether or not you believe in ghosts or the many other explanations for how that light appeared, I don’t really care. What I saw and what I felt gave me the sense of presence of life after death and that our energy lives on. This is the positive reality that I choose to believe in.

DIY Weddings

Weddings don’t have to be one-size fits all. You can prioritize or de-prioritize wedding details according to your needs. Laura and Gray didn’t want to have a lot of moving parts so they decided to host it on their gorgeous family farm in Allamuchy, NJ. They did, however, want the food to be amazing so they splurged on a high-quality caterer. They brought in a band, tent, tables, and a trailer restroom and had themselves a wedding to remember. Don’t get overwhelmed with details, instead, choose things that represent your priorities.

Relaxed Wedding Vibes

I always say that the vibe of a wedding comes from the top-down. If the bride and groom are relaxed, everyone else will fall in line, logistics included. Laura and Gray decided to have a more casual attire, jackets optional, because they wanted their guests to be comfortable in the August heat. Many think that the c-word (casual) is an invitation for friends and family to wear cargo shorts and a tuxedo t-shirt, but what happens more often than not is a dressed down, comfortable chic look. I for one, am heavily in favor of moving away from full suits or tuxedos during summer weddings, preferring a more customizable, fashionable style that Gray and his brothers absolutely crushed. Ladies, as for what you decide to wear, the floor is yours!

Laura and Gray’s wedding is one that will stick to me for a long time; if not for the spirituality, or the relaxed vibes, then it is because Capa got to come along. With a bunch of other little ones in attendance, the Grayfields wedding was the perfect blend of family and fun, class and comfort. Cheers guys!  


It’s us!

The whole fam with Gray and Laura at polo the day after their amazing wedding. Reach out for your own photo needs below!

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