Sunrise Session at Eldorado Canyon in Boulder, CO
Eldorado Canyon Photography in Boulder, CO | Colorado Engagement Photos | Sunrise Photo Session | LGBTQ Engagement Pictures
Mercie + Dan
Will I ever get bored of photographing these two love birds? Definitely not. I have been privileged to get to capture Dan and Mercie’s engagement, boudoir, wedding, and now anniversary sessions and have no plans to stop being a part of their lives, both photographically but also as friends.
I usually don’t like the phrase “old souls”, but that’s truly how I feel about these two. They have a certain wisdom and awareness that always leaves Terrence and I feeling both inspired and hopeful. Their love for each other has always been so tender, and makes my job way too easy. They hold space for one another to be their own people, but support one another the way that an ideal partnership functions in my opinion.
We were lucky to get to hook up with Mercie and Dan in Estes Park a few days before this session because they were actually babysitting Capa while we shot a wedding in RMNP! Besides the fact that they were conveniently already in the area, they were the obvious choice to hang with our mini because of their love of children. They both have extensive experience as nannies, but more importantly, embrace kiddos with joy and respect.
Capa got to spend the afternoon getting showered with love by them and their little squad, and we couldn’t have been happier knowing that he was having a blast while we worked! And then on our last day in Colorado, they were down to rally for a sunrise session at Eldorado Canyon in Boulder! Sunrise can be a hard sell sometimes, but it is ALWAYS worth it! There’s something so amazing about venturing out into the mountains when it is still dark, with a little of that alpine chill in the air, seeing the first light start to inch it’s way towards the horizon line.
We explored the canyon, walked through nature, played in the water. It was so joyful and good for the soul that it felt like the photos were just sugar on top!